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contoh kalimat around the world

"around the world" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "around the world" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • It involved 17 different projects around the world.
    Itu termasuk 17 proyek berbeda dari seluruh dunia.
  • And governments are very ambitious around the world.
    Dan pemerintah di seluruh dunia pun ikut ambisius.
  • A trip around the world would be lovely.
    Sebuah perjalanan di seluruh dunia akan menjadi indah.
  • We are going around the world in 80 days!
    Kita akan mengellilingi dunia dalam 80 hari!
  • I've directed rescue missions all around the world.
    Aku pernah mengarahkan misi... penyelamatan di seluruh dunia.
  • Shenley has bank accounts all around the world,
    Shenley memiliki rekening bank di seluruh dunia ,
  • Carlisle, you have friends all around the world.
    Carlisle, kita punya teman Di seluruh penjuru dunia.
  • We're supposed to fly around the world together.
    Kita seharusnya terbang mengelilingi dunia bersama - sama.
  • He flew dozens of missions all around the world.
    Dia terbang puluhan misi ke seluruh dunia.
  • Television rights have been sold all around the world.
    Hak siarnya sudah terjual di seluruh dunia.
  • Why do you have to go halfway around the world?
    Kenapa kau harus pergi berkeliling dunia?
  • They bounced that call around the world twice
    Mereka mengalihkan panggilan ke beberapa tempat dua kali
  • People make mean money going all around the world.
    Orang menghasilkan uang untuk pergi keliling dunia.
  • Meanwhile, financial conditions around the world are in crisis,
    Sementara itu kondisi keuangandiseluruh dunia sedang krisis,
  • Are you traveling around the world looking for me?
    Kau berpergian diseluruh dunia untuk mencari aku?
  • Virtual schools now exist all around the world.
    Sekolah virtual sekarang sudah ada di seluruh dunia.
  • That vision has spread around the world.
    Kemudian pandangan seperti itulah yang menyebar ke seluruh dunia.
  • CRS has approximately 5,000 employees around the world.
    CRS memiliki sekitar 5000 pegawai di seluruh dunia.
  • He then continued to coach around the world.
    Selama waktu tersebut ia berlatih di sekitar Mediterania.
  • There are over 300,000 species around the world.
    Ada sekitar 3.000 spesies kelabang di seluruh dunia.
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